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What’s your TV IQ? How much do you REALLY know? Get your TV IQ here and find out with more than 500 TV Shows & Stars from over 65 years of TV History & Trivia. We’ll put your TV IQ to the test – Big Time!

More than a game, TV Mania is an encyclopaedia of Television’s biggest stars and shows from The Lone Ranger (1947) & Superman (1951) to Game of Thrones & The Big Bang Theory in 2014.

Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about Television -
The Longest running TV Shows
Who Am I? TV Star Bios
Guess the Highest paid TV Stars (1960 – 2014) & what your TV Stars are paid today!
Dead or Alive TV Star Challenge
Guess the Age of favourite TV Stars this year
TV Shows & TV Stars Trivia

You can Match the TV Shows to their –
Family Pet
Favourite Hangout
Setting (Town/Country/State)
Debut year

PLUS - Match the TV Stars to their –
TV characters
Previous TV Shows and Characters
Their Real Age this year
Job & Employer
Friends & Neighbors

PLUS - Match the TV Superheroes & Cartoons to their –
Famous sidekick
Secret Identity
Mode of transport (Horse/Car etc)

TV Mania will be consistently updated with new features and games as well as both new and classic TV shows (running more than 2 seasons – with the exception of iconic shows like Fawlty Towers with only 12 episodes).